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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

T.N.A.S.A Journal August – 1982



HOLIDAYS – Compensatory Holidays to Government Servants – Revised instructions issued.


G.O.MS.Ko.2218 Dated :14th December 1981

Regd: G.O.Ms.No.328, Public (General – M) dated 21.2.1967.


In the Government order read above orders have been issued prescribing certain rules and regulations governing the conditions for the grant of compensatory Holiday to the Government Servants. These instructions which were very comprehensive in nature had been issued by superseding all earlier instructions issued on this subject.

The rules governing the grant of Compensatory Holidays are being interpreted in different ways and there is no uniformity among Government Departments in implementing them. The Government have, therefore, reviewed, the entire position and issue the following rules regulating the grant of Compensatory Holidays to Government Servants.

i) Only the Officials belonging to C&D Groups are eligible for Compensatory Holidays of rule when ever they are called to work on Holidays. Officials belonging to A&B groups will not normally be eligible for Compensatory Holidays. However, if the occasions or their attendance on holidays become so regular as to make it almost a matter of routine, they would also be eligible to claim Compensatory Holidays. The immediate superior officials would be competent to sanction the Compensatory Holiday.

ii) No Compensatory Holiday can be claimed as a matter of right. It shall be within the discretion of the superior officer competent to grant Casual Leave, to admit the claim for at Compensatory Holiday or not.

iii) No Government Servant shall be entitled to credit of more than twenty Compensatory Holidays in all in a Calendar year.

iv) Every Compensatory Holiday shall automatically lapse at end of six months of the Holidays to which it relates.

v) Compensatory Holiday can be combined with casual leave or authorized Public Holidays subject to the conditions that the total period of absence shall not exceed ten days. Compensatory Holidays can also be prefixed or suffixed to regular leave subject to the usual conditions.

vi) Necessary amendments to the Secretary Office Manual and District Office Manual will issue separately.

(By order of the Governor)


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