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Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tamil Nadu Medical Service – Medical officers – duty on 2nd Saturday of the month – availing Compensatory leave orders issued.
G.O.MS.HO.779 Dated : 9.7.1992
The Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association has represented that theMedical Officers may be allowed to avail 2nd Saturday of the month as a holiday aswas being allowed till recently.
2) The Government after careful examination have decided to accept therequest mentioned in para above. Accordingly, they direct that the Medical Officerswho are required to perform duty on the 2nd Saturday of the Month in the normalroster, be entitled for compensatory leave, in lieu of the duty performed, subject to the
following conditions:-
i) that this compensatory leave should be availed in such a way that the normalwork in this hospital is not affected ;
ii) that the compensatory leave shall be availed only after advance permissionfrom the Medical Officer in charge/Superintendent or Dean of the Hospital andiii) that no additional staff shall be sanctioned to provide the above facility.
3) The total number of compensatory holidays is restricted to 20 days for awhole year on account of second Saturdays and Public Holidays and this will be takenat the rate of 10 days in each half year.
GO Permitting Declaration of Probation without Induction Training
For the Batch appointed in 2006 (TNPSC Oct 2005), this GO does not apply. A fresh GO is needed
Friday, October 24, 2008
Government Order for Special TNPSC for Post PG , CEMONC, TNHSP, Mobile Medical Unit and All Other Doctors
The words and letters in the scanned copy are authentic. The information given below may have typos
Tamil Nadu Medical Service - Assistant Surgeons appointment on temporary basis - Regular appointment in Tamil Nadu Medical Service - Conduct of Special Qualifying Test - Orders - Issued
Health and Family Welfare (112) Department
GO (D) No: 1162
Dt: 07.10.2008 Purattasi 21 Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2039
1. G.O. (Ms) No 29, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated 27.01.2007
2. G.O. (Ms) No 83, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated 12.03.2007
3. G.O. (Ms) No 323, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated 07.09.2007
4. G.O. (Ms) No 215, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated 12.06.2007
1. In the G.O. first read above, orders were issued permitting the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine to fill up 475 Vacancies of Assistant Surgeons, temporarily in the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services and Directorate of Medical Education, through Employment Exchange in time scale of pay in relaxation of rule 10 (a) (i) of the General Rules for Tamil Nadu state and Sub-ordinate services.
2. Similarly in the GO second read above, the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine was permitted to recruit 100 Medical Officers for the Mobile Medical Units in the time scale pay through Employment Exchange. Further in the GO third read above, permission was accorded to the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine to fill up 260 posts of Medical Officers, temporarily in regular time scale of pay through Employment Exchange for 106 upgraded Primary Health Centers.
3. In the GO fourth read above, The Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine was permitted to appoint non-service Post Graduate / Diploma holders in the existing vacancies under the Director of Medical and Rural Health services and Director of Medical Education through Employment Exchange in time scale pay in relaxation of rule 10 (a) (i) of the General Rules for Tamil Nadu state and Sub-ordinate services.
4. Earlier in GO (D) No. 1016, Health and Family Welfare Department dated 28.08.2007, orders were issued for conduct of Special Qualifying Test by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for regularizing the service of 1535 Assistant Surgeons who were appointment temporarily during 2004 and 2005 in relaxation of rule 10 (a) (i) of General Rules for Tamil Nadu state and Sub-ordinate services.
5. Similarly the Government have now decided to regularize the services of the Medical Officers who were recruited temporarily, by conducting of Special Qualifying Examination by the TNPSC. Accordingly, the TNPSC is directed to conduct a Special Qualifying Examination for the temporary Assistant Surgeons mentioned in paras 1-3 above, who are in service as on the date of issue of order so as to absorb them as Assistant Surgeons in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service. The Government also direct that seniority shall be fixed by the merit list drawn by the TNPSC in the Special Qualifying Examination to be conducted by the TNPSC under rule 35 (a) of the General Rules for Tamil Nadu State and Sub-ordinate Services.
6. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine is directed to instruct all the temporary Assistant Surgeons to appear for the Special Qualifying Examination proposed to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for regularizing their services. The individuals who do not pass in the Special Qualifying Examination proposed to be held shall be ousted from service without assigning any reason therefore.
7. The Secretary, TNPSC is requested to conduct the Special Qualifying Examination to regularize the services of the Assistant Surgeons who were appointed temporarily in Tamil Nadu Medical Service in relaxation of Rule 10 (a) (i) of the General Rules for Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate services by following the procedure in G.O. (D) No. 1016, Health and Family welfare department, dated 25.08.07 and send the list of selected candidates to the Director of Public Health and Prevention Medicine for Pursuing further action.
(By Order of the Governor)
VK Subburaj
Principal Secretary to Government
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
G.O. Ms. No. 452 dated 4-7-95
G.O. Ms. No. 452 dated 4-7-95
Read :
G.O. Ms. No. 327, Health, Dated 22-5-95
In the Government order read above, Joint Directors, Deans and Heads of Medical Institutions have been delegated with powers to sanction special grade/selection grade to Assistant Surgeons, including Assistant Surgeon (Dental)
2. The Government have examined the desirability of extending similar powers to the Joint Directors in respect of other staff working under their control. They consider that such delegation of powers to district level Officers would improve the administrative efficiency.
3. The Government accordingly direct that Joint Director of Health, Services in the Districts be delegated with the following powers, in respect of staff working under their control.
1. Sanction of increments, Selection grade and Special grade to all the staff working in the districts.
2. Transfer of staff such as pharmacists, ministerial staff upto the office superintendents including hospital workers and nurses within the districts.
4. However transfers of staff outside the district would continue to be exercised by the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services.
Family welfare failures
From State President,
Dr. R. ANGAMUTHU, M.S., (Ortho)., Dr. K. Parakasam
Director of Family Welfare, State President
DMS COMPLEX, Chennai - 600006. T.N. Doctor’s Association
Ref.No. 17762 / H3 2000, Dated 2-8-2000
Sub : Family Welfare Programme - Sterilisation MTP and
Laparoasopy Surgeries Failures death etc.
Ref : Your Lr.No. Nil 2.8.2000.
With reference to • the representations received from TamllNadu Goverment Doctors Association regarding various legal issues related to the Family Planning surgeries like failures, death etc. while accepting the sentiments of the Association to assure that the interest of the doctors will be totally protected and the Government will also defend all the cases including legal implications.
Yours faithfully
PG Increment
In The High Court of Judicature at
(Special Orginal)
Advance Increments for P.G.
Date: 18-12-1987
The Honore able Mr. Justice Nainar Sundram.
W.M.P.No. 18926 of 1987
W.M.No. 12866 of 1987
The State of
vs. Petitioners.
1. The State of Tamil Nadu rep. by Commissioner & Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, Fort St. George, Madras-9.
2. The Director of Medical Services & Family Welfare, D.M.S. Compound, Madras-6.
Respondents, and others.
For Petitioners : Mr. A.L. Somayaji
Petition praying that the High Court will be pleased to
Stay the operation of the impugned G.O. Ms. No. 2240, Health dated 25-11-1986 passed by the first respondent, pending disposal of the writ petition.
Petition on being called today and upon hearing counsel, the court has ordered as follows:
There will be an order of intern stay, reserving liberty for the respondents to most for vacating the same, of they so choose. Otherwise, post this petition along with the main writ edition. Notice.
And this court doth further order that this order, on being produced, be punctually observed and carried in to execution by all concerned. Issued under my hand and the seal of this court on 18-12-1987.
Letter No. 21561A/B2/99-2.
Health and Family Welfare
Chennai - 600 009.
Dated 28-9-1999
TmtK. Arumugathai, B.Sc.,
Deputy Secretary to Government.
The Director of Medical Education, Chennai -10.
The Director of Medical and Rulal Health Services, Chennai -10.
The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Chennai -10.
Sub : Meeting - Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association - Special Casual Leave to Officer bearers of the Tamil Nadu Government doctors association - regarding.
Ref: (i) G.O. Ms. 685. Personnel and Administration reforms (Perk) department dated 15-7-92.
(ii) from the state secretary, Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association, letter dated 9-4-99 and 8-8-99.
I am directed to state that the office bearers of the Tamil Nadu Government Doctors association mentioned in the reference second matters relation to demand of time bound promotion with Hon'ble Minister (Health and electricity ) on 02.01.99, 10.01.99, 19.01.99, 20.01.99, 21.01.99, & 01.02.99 The state secretary has requested the Government to sanction them special casual leave on the above days.
2. in this connection, I am to invite your attention to the instructions issued on G.O. Ms. No. 685, Personnel and administrative reforms (perk) dated 15-7-92. wherein powers have already been delegated to the head of Department to sanction special casual leave to the office bearers of the recognized Service Associations, as the Tamil Nadu Government doctors association is a recognized association I am to request you to take action at your level to sanction special casual leave to the office bearers of the Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association who have attended the meeting with the Hon'ble Minister (Health and Electricity) on the days specified in Para I above after following the guidelines prescribed in G.O. Ms. No. 1294. Personal and Administrative Reforms (per.K) dated 27-10-97.
(Copy enclosed).
Tamil Nadu Medical Service – Delegation of Administrative powers to Joint Directors – Order Issued.
G.O. Ms. No. 452 dated 4-7-95
Read :
G.O. Ms. No. 327, Health, Dated 22-5-95
In the Government order read above, Joint Directors, Deans and Heads of Medical Institutions have been delegated with powers to sanction special grade/selection grade to Assistant Surgeons, including Assistant Surgeon (Dental)
2. The Government have examined the desirability of extending similar powers to the Joint Directors in respect of other staff working under their control. They consider that such delegation of powers to district level Officers would improve the administrative efficiency.
3. The Government accordingly direct that Joint Director of Health, Services in the Districts be delegated with the following powers, in respect of staff working under their control.
1. Sanction of increments, Selection grade and Special grade to all the staff working in the districts.
2. Transfer of staff such as pharmacists, ministerial staff upto the office superintendents including hospital workers and nurses within the districts.
4. However transfers of staff outside the district would continue to be exercised by the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services.
Sub : Service Associations - Tamil Nadu Last Grade Govement Servants Association - special Casual leave Sanctioned to the normal - fixed -Orders passed.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms. No. 1649. Public(Ser-1) Dt. 30.5.72
2. G.O.Ms, o. 1294 P& A.R. (Per-K) Dt. 27-10-77
3. GovtLr. No. 20431 IB/76 P& A.R.per-K-) Dt. 27-10-77
4. From the President. T.N.L.G.G.S. Association Lr. Dt. 13.2.79.
The seven days of special casual leave already sanctioned in the G.O First read above to the tive office bearer the Tamil Nadu Last Grade Government Servants Association to attend the organizational affairs of the laid down in the G.O. second read above and the five of its office.-Bearers are there fore eligible for fifteen days of special casual leave in a calender year as per norms prescribed in the G.O. Second read above.
2. In supersession of the orders first read above, Government direct that fifteen days of special casual Leave, in a calendar year be sanctioned to the following five office - bearers of the Tamil Nadu Last Grade Government Servant's Association to attend to the organizational affairs of the Association . they also direct that prior sanction by the competent authority will be necessary before the special casual leave is availed of
1. President : One
2. Vice - President : One
3. General Secretary : One
4. Deputy Secretary :One
5. Treasurer : One
( By Order of the Government)
LETTER No. 41407/B2/88-4 Health Dated 22.11.1988.
Thiru N. Narayanan, IAS.,
Commissioner and Secretary to Government.
The President,
Tamil Nadu Assistant Surgeon's Association,
Sub : Tamil Nadu Medical Service- Tamil Nadu Assistant Surgeon's
Association – Provision of Vehicles to Assistant Surgeon to attend call duty - Regarding.
Ref: Your letter No. 24/88 dated 6.5.88.
I am directed to state that as per the rule contained in the Tamil Nadu Financial Code, ie, Schedule I, Rule7(b) of appendix 27 the Assistant Surgeons are permitted to use the Ambulance vans for Call duty purposes for performing emergency duty and operations.
Yours faithfully,
For Commissioner and Secretary to Government,
Copy of Letter No. 28089/E4-/2/84 dated 25.11.85 of the Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare,
Sub : Grant of Weekly off to Assistant Surgeons Instructions issued.
Ref : This office – circular memo. No. 69112/E4/1/80 dated 11.8.80
In para 2 of this office circular sited it is informed to District Medical Officers and others that the Weekly off accumulated and that weekly of can be granted only after day an Assistant Surgeon has attended work for 6 days off on the Seventh day and he will miss if if he could not avail it on the seventh day.
It is represeted that in certain occasions Assistant Surgeon are deputed to other Medical Institutions where their Services are needed. Some of them are deputed for Laparoscopic camp etc., and are to these reason they could not avail the weekly off due to them on the seventh day itself.
Hence the District Medical Officers and others are informed that Assistant Surgeon may be permitted te accumulate weekly off upto 2 day a time with following conditions.
1) The Assistant Surgeons may be allowed to avail weekly off at the discretion of District Medical Officer or Medical Officer incharge without detrimental to the working of the institutions.
2) They cannot claim for accumulation of weekly off for 2 days at a time as a matter of right.
3) Accumulation of weekly off upto 2 days has to be permitted when the Assistant Surgeon could not avail it due to administrative reasons.
4) Weekly off cannot be combined with post duty off.
5) Weekly off cannot be combined with Casual leave or any other kinds of leave.
6) Weekly off has to be availed by Assistant Surgeons without affecting normal functioned of the Medical Institutions and before availing weekly off the specific permission of the head of the Medical Institutions has to be obtained.
7) The Officer in charge of the Medical Institutions concerned should see that the normal work of the institution is not affected by allowing an Assistant Surgeon to avail the weekly off for more than a day at a time.
T.B. Venugopal,
Director Of Medical Services and Family Welfare
Government letter No.27040/F1/9941 dt. 9. 6.1999.
Thiru V.Viswanathan, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government
The Director of Medical Education, Chennai-5.
The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, chennai - 6
The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
Chennai - 6.
All Deans of Government Medical Colleges,
All Directors of Health Services.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms. No. 463 Health dated 12.9.69.
2. Government letter Mo.62210/FI/96-ldt 1.10.96
3.From the State President Tamil Nadu Doctors Association letter dated.
4. From the Director Medical Education letter No. 244993AEH/I/99 dated 21.5.99.
5. Fron the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services letter ref No. I6773/E7/3/99
dated 31.3.99
In-Partial Modification of the orders issued in para 4 of the Govenment Orders first cited as subsequently amended in Govermvent letter second cited, I an directed to issue the following amendment.
For the existing paragraph 4 of the said Government order read with Government letter second cited, the following paragraphs shall be substituted:
The Government accordingly direct that the morning OP Hours in all teaching hospitals and in all other District, Taluk and Non Taluk hospitals and in and Government Dispensaries be from 7.30 am to 12.00 noon. The Government further direct that so far as Primary Health centres are concerned there is no change in the timing of the exiting of hours. There will be no change in the super / higher speciality oP hours and evening OP hours.
Yours faithfully,
For secretary to Government
Committee-Justice M.Marutamuthu Committee - Recommedations of committee-Acceptance of certain findings-order-issued
Read 1.G.O (2D) No.23, Health dt.21.4.1999.
2.G.O.Ms.No. 407, Healtdt 19.12.2000.
3. Report of justiceThiru M. Matuthamuthu, dt. 31.1.2002.
In the Government order first read above, a commitee was constituted to look into mishaps occurring during Professional duties of Doctors working in Government and
2. The Committee which looked into the above issues in detail submitted its report to the Government on 31.1.2002. The Government as be examined the recommendations of the Committee and pass the following orders to adopt the procedure whenever litigations arise due to the mishaps that occururing in the Medical / Surgical treatment given by Doctors in Government-Hospitals/Private Nursing Homes/Hospitals.
I. To follow the existing procedure of allowing the Police registering the complain under section 304 (a) I.P.C., and investigate;
II. To permit an Officer of the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police or Asst. Commissioner of Police to do investigation
III. To issue Departmental instructions for not to arrest Doctors, as a matter of routine and to effect arrest only when it is legally justified and with the consultation of Senior Police Officers.
IV. To create a corpus fund from the contribution of Rs. 101- P.M. from every Doctor.
V. To make the Government Doctors, to pay compensation awarded by court in the court first and then to apply for the refund of amount paid in the court by doctors from the corpus fund created.
VII. To consider the creation of Corpus Fund as a trial measure only and to revise the subscription of Corpus Fund depending upon the functioning of this scheme after one year.
3. The Director-General of Police is requested to follow the procedures mentioned in the items, (I); (ii); and (III) in paragraph 2 above, whenever occurrence of such cases take place In the Government Medical Institutions Private Nursing- Homes / Hospitals.
4. The Director of Medical & Rural Health Services is requested to take necessary action on the items mentioned in paragraph 2(iv) (v) (vi) and (Vii) above in the Government Medical Institutions.
Tamil Nadu Medical Service-Granting of Post Duty Off to Medical Officers in Teaching and
G.O.MS.No: 843 Dated the 19th may, 1980
1. From the Director of Medical Education letter Ho. GG296/&3/3/78, dated 31-8-78 and 10-3-78.
2. From the Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare D.O.Ref.
No. 7298/E4/1/79, dt. 12.3.80.
The question of giving post duty off to the Assistant Surgeons after 24 hours of duty in the Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals has been engaging the attention of the Government for some time past. The Government have examined the question in consultation with the Director of Medical Service and Family Welfare. The Director of Medical Education has stated that a large number of Assistant Surgeons do 24 hours duty in Teaching Hospitals once in a week but continue their duty the following day with a break of two hours (i.e.) they are continuously on duty for 36 hours) and it is not compensated either by a day off or by additional remuneration. The Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare has stated that Assistant Surgeons .working in Non-Teaching Government hospitals who do continuous duty from 7-30 A.M. of a day to 7-30 A.M. on next day avail only 2 hours off in the afternoon on the next day. The Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare and the Director of Medical Education had request sanction of certain number of additional posts (Reserve Duty Doctors) to provide them Post Duty off and to ensure better treatment of the patients.
2. Taking into consideration the continuous duty performed by the Medical officers and also the financial Commitments involved in these proposals the Government have decided to sanction additional posts of Reserve Duty Doctors for Teaching and
3. Sanction is accorded for the creation of 66 (sixty Six) posts of Reserve Duty Doctors (Civil Assistant Surgeons) designated as Reserve Tutors in the teaching Medical hospitals under the control of Director of Medical Education and 95 (ninety five) additional posts of Reserve Duty Doctors (Civil Assistant Surgeons) in the scale of pay of RS. 750-50-1350/In the non-teaching Medical Hospitals in the District Headquarters Hospital, E.S.I. Hospitals Taluk and non-Taluk Hospitals with four and more Medical Officers under the control of Director of Medical Service and Family Welfare from the date employment till 28-2-81. The Director of Medical Education and the Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare are requested to allot the posts of Reserve Duty Doctors to the hospitals under their control and send reports to Government indicating the intitutions to which they have been allotted.
4. The holders of the post are eligible to draw in addition to their pay. House Rent Allowance, and City Compensatory -llowance and other allowances at the rates admissible from time to time under the rules and orders in force.
5. The expenditure should be debited to the relevant sub head of account under 280 Medical etc.
6. The expenditure is on a New Service and the approval of the Legislature will be obtained in due course, bending approval by the Legislature, the expenditure will be initially met by an advance from the contingency fund orders regarding which will be issued by Finance(B.G, Department, The Director of Medical Education/The Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare is requested to make an application in time in the prescribed from to the Government in the Finance(B.G) Department along with a copy of this orderfor sanctioning an advance from the contingency Fund.
7. This order issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department videitsU.O. 123 D.s. (Bi/80, dated 19.5.80).
Commissioner & Secretary to Government (In change).