Tamil Nadu Medical Service-Granting of Post Duty Off to Medical Officers in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals under the control of Director of Medical Education and Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare-Creation of additional posts of Assistant Surgeons for attending increased work-Sanctioned,
G.O.MS.No: 843 Dated the 19th may, 1980
1. From the Director of Medical Education letter Ho. GG296/&3/3/78, dated 31-8-78 and 10-3-78.
2. From the Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare D.O.Ref.
No. 7298/E4/1/79, dt. 12.3.80.
The question of giving post duty off to the Assistant Surgeons after 24 hours of duty in the Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals has been engaging the attention of the Government for some time past. The Government have examined the question in consultation with the Director of Medical Service and Family Welfare. The Director of Medical Education has stated that a large number of Assistant Surgeons do 24 hours duty in Teaching Hospitals once in a week but continue their duty the following day with a break of two hours (i.e.) they are continuously on duty for 36 hours) and it is not compensated either by a day off or by additional remuneration. The Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare has stated that Assistant Surgeons .working in Non-Teaching Government hospitals who do continuous duty from 7-30 A.M. of a day to 7-30 A.M. on next day avail only 2 hours off in the afternoon on the next day. The Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare and the Director of Medical Education had request sanction of certain number of additional posts (Reserve Duty Doctors) to provide them Post Duty off and to ensure better treatment of the patients.
2. Taking into consideration the continuous duty performed by the Medical officers and also the financial Commitments involved in these proposals the Government have decided to sanction additional posts of Reserve Duty Doctors for Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals to provide Post Duty Off to all Medical Officers who do more than 24 hours of duty.
3. Sanction is accorded for the creation of 66 (sixty Six) posts of Reserve Duty Doctors (Civil Assistant Surgeons) designated as Reserve Tutors in the teaching Medical hospitals under the control of Director of Medical Education and 95 (ninety five) additional posts of Reserve Duty Doctors (Civil Assistant Surgeons) in the scale of pay of RS. 750-50-1350/In the non-teaching Medical Hospitals in the District Headquarters Hospital, E.S.I. Hospitals Taluk and non-Taluk Hospitals with four and more Medical Officers under the control of Director of Medical Service and Family Welfare from the date employment till 28-2-81. The Director of Medical Education and the Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare are requested to allot the posts of Reserve Duty Doctors to the hospitals under their control and send reports to Government indicating the intitutions to which they have been allotted.
4. The holders of the post are eligible to draw in addition to their pay. House Rent Allowance, and City Compensatory -llowance and other allowances at the rates admissible from time to time under the rules and orders in force.
5. The expenditure should be debited to the relevant sub head of account under 280 Medical etc.
6. The expenditure is on a New Service and the approval of the Legislature will be obtained in due course, bending approval by the Legislature, the expenditure will be initially met by an advance from the contingency fund orders regarding which will be issued by Finance(B.G, Department, The Director of Medical Education/The Director of Medical Services and Family Welfare is requested to make an application in time in the prescribed from to the Government in the Finance(B.G) Department along with a copy of this orderfor sanctioning an advance from the contingency Fund.
7. This order issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department videitsU.O. 123 D.s. (Bi/80, dated 19.5.80).
Commissioner & Secretary to Government (In change).