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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Letter from State Secretary Regarding Implementation of GO 354

Dr K.Senthil MD (GM) 22nd Feb 2010

State Secretary


Best wishes.

I am happy to convey you all that the G.O. 354 is being implemented in DMS and DME side with utmost sincerity and efforts. From director to all the subordinate officers all are trying their best to speed up the process. Honourable HM and HS have given a very strict direction to the directors in speedy implementation of the G.O.

They are equally interested as we are, in the implementation of the order.

All our members are very eagerly waiting to see the fitment. Many of our members and even office bearers feel the delay is undue. But friends, as a person who is closely following the proceedings, the delay is inevitable. Inspite of the best efforts by the second line staff and officers, the exercise is the toughest, happening in Tamilnadu Medical Service.

Though the G.O was issued in late October, due to the district and state elections in TNGDA, further steps in implementation got stalled. Only from January the process is re-activated and it is followed every day.

In DMS Unit, services of 3 retired Administrative Officers are availed exclusively for the process of doing the fitment. Thanks to the Principal Secretary; all clarifications, delegation of powers sought by the DMRHS to implement the G.O. was issued on the request of TNGDA on 28.1.2010. The fitment process was started. All the existing SCS (except those with DP) were fitted as CCS. Promotion orders issued on 23.2.2010. This is the first promotion orders issued based on 354 benefiting 355 senior colleagues.

Next will be fitment of 40 CSS (Specialists) as CCS (Specialists) in the same place. (by March first week)
Next – transfer counseling for all CCS (by March first week)
Promotion of existing CS to the posts of CCS (balance about 800 CCS) in both speciality and general category. (by March 15 week)
(in this vacant CCS posts, except the posts identified as SCS or CSS (specialists) by the 1998 684 G.O. all other posts will NOT be duty-free. But the eligible persons can be fitted in the same place they work)

  • Promotion of existing SAS to the posts of CCS (balance if available) in both speciality and general category. (by March 21st )
  • Promotion of existing AS to the posts of CCS (balance if available) in both speciality and general category (by March 31st)
  • Promotion of existing SAS / AS to the posts of SCS in both speciality and general category (by March 31st)
  • Promotion of existing SAS / AS to the posts of CS in both speciality and general category (by April 10th )
  • Promotion of existing AS to the posts of SAS in both speciality and general category (by April 15th )
  • Giving POP @ 20 years as on 23.10.2009 by April 30th

All the first 7 steps can be carried out with CML 2005. For the last step, we need CML 2009. Side by side CML 2009 is updated. Thanks to Dr Sivasankar, TNGDA Tiruvallur district for his hard work and Dr Ponnuraj, State vice president for his effective coordination. (TNGDA has sponsored other support also)

Friends, we expect smooth progress. But once implemented it will benefit about 75% of DMS unit doctors.

In DME side,

  • Thanks to DME and DDME for drafting a team of doctors from Chennai to update the data, teaching experience, total service etc – in two months. But still a long way to go.

The existing Professors as on 23.10.2009 will be issued up-gradation/ promotion orders by 28.2.2010.
Next step is getting an order from govt. as in DMS side, to delegate powers and issue clarification on a number of issues raised by the DME. TNGDA is at it. Hope to get the necessary orders by 10th March 2010, who did good work.

  • Fitment of all the existing Associate Professors to Professors/ Asso. Professors based on their teaching experience. (By 31st March 2010)
  • Fitment of all AP as Professor grade AP by 15th April
  • Associate Prof grade AP / Senior grade AP.(by April 30th)
  • Tutors @ 15/ 20 year POP – by May 15th
  • All other POP by May 30th

Transfer / Promotion counseling of Associate/ Professor/ Unit Chiefs by June first week.
It is essential that we seek some retired Administrative Officers for completing the process (as in DMS side) to complete the process as said above.

In DME side the process will be slower as the teaching experience verification is an additional work.


This may take another 4 months.

So, the entire process will be over by the end of this year.

It may sound too long, but all these years giving promotions for about 500 doctors every year (both DME/ DMS put together) took at-least 6 months to 1 year. (With SAS/CS panel taking more than a year) and just one promotion in DME for about 150 posts took 9 months to a year.

Now 1 more cadre in DMS and 2 more cadres in DME, the burden are very high.
With all your support, we hope to do all this very effectively.
All beneficiaries – it is time to reciprocate. Please voluntarily contribute for “TNGDA BUILDING FUND”.

Yours truly,
Dr K.Senthil


  1. dr raja ,very heartfull congrats to u and all the tngda office bearers for thier tireless work.sir my only request is the junior doctors who joined service must know about try to release a book what the tngda achive so for from its beginnin and the juniors must know the sacrifice done by our tngda office bearers.1)try to enroll more junior doctors they are in large number so massive enrollment drive is must for TNGDA.2)try to release a monthly news letter 3)TNGDA building in chennai is must.

  2. Dear state secretary CML 2005 has the same mistakes as CML 2009. Hence please take date of joining or total service until corrected list is available

  3. The Ideal time to start the Professor transfer and promotion counselling is the month of November. Then only the process end by April. It is easier if anybody wants to shift the family, they can shift in April and May. So Association should Insist to start the couselling Process in November Every Year.I felt good the refitment process have started atleast in DMS side. Congratulations to state office bearers for their tiredless efforts.

  4. Dear Dr Senthil and his team, Congratulations!.. we could understand the delay.. All we request you is to ensure proper implementation in scheduled time.. Best wishes again for huge collection of building funds too (which would be very spontaneous after the implementation...)

  5. What we fought for is time bound promotion - as and when the no of years of service is reached one should be promoted to the next scale. But now we are talking of promoting AS and SAS as CCS without bothering about CML seniority! Pay band IV should be only for those who have completed 20 years of service.We need not insist Pay Band IV for those with lesser no of years. It will create anomalies- Seniors in common specialities will suffer while juniors with rare spealities will move up the ladder.

  6. Dear Tngda Office Bearers
    There is a big anomaly in the refitment process. What the TNGDA is pursuing is not in the interest of many seniors who have served in the rural side and then entered the DME side. Their teching experience will be less than 9 years & though they have been promoted as Associate professor yet will not get the Professor post which their juniors may get. There are more than 60 Associate Professors in the Clinical side alone who will be affected if the 9 year criteria is recommended. Their interest should also be taken care of.

  7. sir`there are many pg aspirants in service side from this year onwards but to surving rural people in remote villages we get only 25 percent seats in tamilnadu.TNGDA should fight for more number of seats for phc doctors.

  8. Sir
    Thank you and your team for the excelant work. I want to place some of my points.
    The easiest way of time bound promotion would have been by giving all those eligible canditates their due pay scales as and when they become eligible, and fill up the administrative posts by preparing panel.
    By this method all of us would have got our pay fixed on 23/10/09 itself.
    Now flexibility alone can do justice for everybody without compromising CML seniority.
    So kindly identify all CCS posts first and conduct counselling. then all things will follow without any hitch.

  9. Sir
    Justice should be done to seniors.CCS in PHC is a must as most of the present seniors have worked in PHCs for many years. We do not oppose any MBBS candidate getting promoted. Let them get promoted even as JDHS. Nobody can object. But they should not be promoted out of turn ignoring seniors. Any body with any degree should get his due promotion -Be it in GMS or DPH side. Is it a sin to have a PG degree/ diploma? Why should the rural people denied the services of specialist doctors?

  10. Sir
    Delay, delay and delay- It has become the hallmark of our assossiation. Every day we hear new ways of promotions- one day "By councelling"
    -Next day -"Post them at the same place". We don't just know what is happening. Will we get promotions before we retire? Please act fast.Let everybody enjoy his due.

  11. Greetings to the team members of TNGDA..! well begun work is half done.. you are at it.. Doctors who finished 20 years of total service (irrespective of teaching experience) were listed for pay band 4 and letter has already been sent to each medical college from 20 the march onwards.. Unfortunately there are few mistakes for example Dr S.Gopalakrishnan bearing cml no.7357 has been listed in that with total service of 26years (in fact it is 16 years only, due to unauthorised absence for two years and with disciplinary action bendin). He has joined after april 1990 ( has hidden that fact too in the official list) and any one who could understand that it could be maximum of 19years only. other than minor errors like this, the list is very transparent and encouraging for doctors who have finished twenty years of service.. thanks again for the good work done by TNDGA and for the future good works to be done...

  12. sir hearty congratulations to tngda office bearers 4r implementing the go 354. By this go refittment has started but they are doing this refitment earmarking of posts. If donelike this so many of them may transferred to out of districts. Is there any solution for this?


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